bar of soap

美 [bɑːr əv soʊp]英 [bɑː(r) ɒv səʊp]
  • 一块肥皂
bar of soapbar of soap
  1. The pumice stone resembles a bar of soap .


  2. You think that the biggest threat to your health when taking a shower comes from slipping on a bar of soap ?


  3. I want a large bar of soap , please .


  4. The wet bar of soap slid from my hands .


  5. Rub a dry bar of soap over the mosquito bite .


  6. Is it easier to wash with soap powder or with a bar of soap ?


  7. The easiest way to make soap is to take an already made bar of soap and melt it down .


  8. replace cookie filling with toothpaste coat a bar of soap in clear nail polish


  9. A piece of cheese . A loaf of bread . A bar of soap .


  10. The soap lathers well . The slippery bar of soap seemed to jump from his hands .


  11. A bar of soap , organic shampoo and conditioner , and a basic moisturiser are all I need now .


  12. Gortsby said , " To lose both a hotel and a bar of soap in one afternoon is strange.In fact -- "


  13. The urinal had a pink bar of soap in it secured by a wire net . He went into the booth .


  14. With trembling fingers , she untied the string , and disclosed a Japanese idea of something for her neck & a bar of soap .


  15. Air your bar of soap before using it ? Many frugalistas swear this will allow it to harden and last longer , without affecting the lather .


  16. My message I discovered on my mirror , in Rick 's familiar handwriting with a bar of soap : " I love you , Evey !"


  17. Yes , I can ski well . slippery sidewalks ; a slippery bar of soap ; the streets are still slippy from the rain .


  18. Then he pulls out a bar of soap --- I had long hair at the time --- and he lathered up my hair and shaved my head .


  19. The man was standing in front of the soap selec-tion , staring blankly as if he 'd never had to choose a bar of soap in his life .


  20. A man has six items in his bathroom : toothbrush and toothpaste , shaving cream , razor , a bar of soap , and a towel .


  21. Slippery sidewalks ; a slippery bar of soap ; the streets are still slippy from the rain . a relatively smooth bend in a road or other course .


  22. Gortsby hurried after the young man.When he caught up with him , Gortsby said , " The 8 ) that you were telling the truth has turned up . " He held out the bar of soap .


  23. Gortsby said , " The only weak part of your story is that you don ' t have the bar of soap with you . " The young man jumped and felt quickly in his pockets . " I must have lost it , " he said angrily .


  24. Gortsby thought , " Too bad.Going out to get a bar of soap almost made his story sound true.But he forgot to have the soap with him . Otherwise , he would have gotten money from more than one person.He should have taken a little extra trouble . "


  25. With a bar of Ivory Soap in your hand , you are holding a chunk of American history .


  26. Start shaving a regular-sized bar of bath soap , and begin adding the shavings as the water gets to just below a boil .


  27. A man has 6 items in his bathroom : a toothbrush , toothpaste , shaving cream , a razor , a bar of Dial soap and a towel from a Holiday Inn .


  28. A man has at most 6 items in his bathroom -- a toothbrush , toothpaste , shaving cream , razor , a bar of Dial soap , and a towel from the Holiday Inn .


  29. Of men who do use a cleanser , many use a bar of regular body soap , shampoo or whatever else they can find in the shower .


  30. I went to the store for a candy bar and two bars of soap .
